Friday, February 28, 2014

Five on Friday Love

I accidentally took a two and a half week blogging vacation along with my real vacation. Sorry yall. I have been meaning to put up pictures of London and Amsterdam but when we came back it hit me hard. Jet lag that is. It took me a number of days to get back on schedule, and when you throw in unpacking, decorating and filling painting orders along the way! It was a lot to catch up on. But now it is finally time to catch up on all the fun stuff that has been going on recently.

   The most exciting thing that happened this month was our honeymoon! I loved every, single minute of it. I definitely want to live in either London or Amsterdam one day. England was everything I thought it would be. The history, the landmarks, the museums. Oh I loved it so much more then I ever thought possible.

Amsterdam was a surprise from Hubby. We were only supposed to go to London but he wanted to make the trip extra special. I did not mind one bit :) Neither of us had been to the Netherlands before so we had no idea what to expect. It turned out to be utterly blissful. Gorgeous architecture. Delicious food. Fantastic drinks. And the friendliest people I have ever met in my life! 

I'll share more photos and highlights soon! But in all seriousness- Can I go back yet? 

   Unpacking. We still have a few boxes in the garage to go through but all of the boxes that were in the house are officially gone. I have been filling my days this week with shopping and decorating all of our rooms with all of our goodies. So far Hubby's man cave is the only room that is the closest to being finished. I still have a few trips to Target until everything will be done. Target might as well set up a bed for me because it is my second home now. Sorry Honey. 

I'll take this bed, with a big, cozy duvet please!

   And speaking of Target...
 I found out today that the only Starbucks in town is in the only Target in town. It looks like all of my Starbucks runs from now on will be a little more expensive then usual. Why hello Dollar section by the front doors. lol. 

   It was a little bit chilly earlier this week so I hadn't been able to start gardening. I have been impatiently waiting for today to start my flower bed in the front yard. Today was a day of weed pulling and tilling up old soil. That poor little patch of ground was so neglected but now it is ready for some flowers. No more dandelions, crab grass and dead flowers of yester year. I cannot wait until Saturday when I start planting everything. I even found some Japanese Snowballs that were starting to bud already, so hopefully those will bloom just in time for summer to start. 

   House Of Cards. If you have never seen this show. Go online, get Netflix and proceed to marathon watch. We just marathoned the second season Monday & Tuesday and...Oh My was fantastic, gripping, sexy, everything you want in a political thriller. I want another season. Now! Right now! Season 3 now!

Wanna share your top five of the week too? Link up with Darci, Christina, April, and Natasha every Friday!



  1. Saying hey from the linkup. Your trip seems fabulous. Welcome back! Xx.

    1. Thanks for stopping by Hope! It's nice to be back home, but I was a brat when it came to leaving. Hubby had to practically drag me on the plane kicking and screaming :)

  2. Visiting from the link-up! Your trip looks fantastic!!

    1. Thanks for the flyby Ashley! It was an amazing trip. Everything was so breathtaking and gorgeous, I wish I had taken a million pictures so I won't forget anything!

  3. Visiting from the link up. I have been wanting to start House of Cards and now after reading your review I think i have to. :)

    1. Oh yes, start it today! It is intense at times, but great writing. A fabulous show!

  4. Hi Samantha! Just cam across from another one I was reading :) Happy I did! I just wanted to say hi as your newest follower. I hope you'll come by my blog and follow along with me and my little family in south FL.


    The McGuire Family

    1. Yay a fellow Floridian! Thanks for jumping over to my page. I am so glad you like my little piece of the internet and you can definitely count on me hopping over to yours :)

  5. Everyone keeps talking about this House of Cards show! Just what I need....another show for me to get sucked into!

    1. You will totally get sucked in but it is so worth sitting in front of the TV for a few days :)
