Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Never Ever Ever

My first linkup! This one is with a gal whom I used to dance with on our high school drill team; Once a Tigerette, always a Tigerette. Her name is Stephanie and her blog, Vintage Modern Wife , is sensational.

This link up is called "Never Ever Ever" like the Taylor Swift song. Hubby will love that reference. Haha. It is about things you will never do again or never stop doing. So here we go: 

Never Ever Ever...
  • Will I stop crafting! I just finished a pretty large sewing project for a friend expecting a baby soon and it was such a blast. It was a glider chair done in her and her husband's college colors for the nursery. It is adorable, if I do say so myself. hehe. I will do a full post on it in a few days! 
  • Will I master macaroons. I tried and I failed. Multiple times. Yep, I think I'm done with that French delicacy.
  • Will I skip out on an invitation to a day at the beach. In fact, I think it is time to go again.
  • Will I stop waiting up for the Hubby when he has late nights at work. Tonight he's not getting back until after midnight, but I can't help it. I like telling him goodnight to his face too much to miss it. Man I am damn cheesy sometimes. Blah :)

Until tomorrow...

Friday, July 26, 2013

Science, Technology, Engineering and Math Oh my!

Have yall seen this video yet? Quick, hit the play button. Watch it? Good!

It is the Navy's newest PSA aimed at kids and STEM technology. I wish we had videos like this when I was younger. It is such a fantastic way to get kids interested in the sciences. The jet... the engines... how much more awesome science is then just the "usual" projects! The video has a real shot at igniting a fire in a child for a field of study that they might not have thought of before. With all of the unknowns about job availability right now, it is nice to know that there will be plenty of opportunities for science heavy careers for our kids. And in this military community, where families move so often and change schools regularly, parents really need to feed kids' educations and nurture their curiosity. When I was a kid, the sciences never really crossed my mind as something to be passionate about. It wasn't until I entered my junior year of  high school and dissected my first worm that I started to actually enjoy and look forward to science classes. If only that fire had been lit inside me earlier then that, oh man, I can only imagine.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Long Weekend

I was so distracted with all of the news about the royal baby that I never got a chance to share the weekend adventures. What a little cutie he is going to be! Okay, I'm done with royal baby fever for a little while.

So....Hubby's squadron had a mess meeting this past Friday. Basically it is when everyone gets together, usually in a bar, and has a good time. But they do do "official" things along with the morale boosting, like introduce the new guys and give out the all important call signs. And it is because of this tradition that now I know some people by the names of Cher (for a man), Jekyll, Frodo, Mush, and Zuko (like Grease!). Hubby's call sign is Tubs, like a bathtub in a restroom. There a huge, long, amazingly inappropriate story that goes along with it, but long story short he feel asleep somewhere he shouldn't have! And you know what it is by his call sign, Tubs! And for about a year now I have been Mrs. Tubs in my own right for exactly the same thing. My long story short is: Boston, 4th of July, too much Bar fun, a gorgeous marble Ritz-Carlton bathroom and a $150 bubble bath I wanted to replicate for a lot less money! Yeah, Mrs. Tubs I am.

So anyway, back to the weekend. I knew some of the guys were going to come over after the mess meeting to hang out before the squadron went downtown to support one of the Air Crewman who DJs. It was his farewell night since he and his family were moving to San Diego the next week, and we wanted to be there to show our support for his passion. I was all up for the guys coming over before we headed out to the club. I can handle a few guys over no problem, I'll just grab a few beers and get ready for loud noises :) On Friday, before the squadron made their way to a local watering hole, I got a phone call from Hubby telling me almost the entire group is coming over afterward and he'll be by to drop off the keg before the meeting. "No big deal" I said. "Great" I mused. Inside, I was freaking! 3 hours! A kegger! He gave me 3 hours to go from a couple of guys to 20 plus with the Skipper! He wasn't sure if wives or girlfriends were coming or not, so I prepped like everyone was going to walk through the house. I immediately went into panic/superwoman/chicken-with-my-head-cut-off cleaning mode! Vacuum, check. Guest room set up, check. Clean every toilet, check. Etc. Home cleaning was done. Then I ventured out to gather food and drinks, I love my Harris Teeter for the one-stop shop less then a mile from my house. Coke, chips, dip, fruit, wine and lots and lots of water. Okay, I was ready. Bring it on. Release the hounds!


Then it was onto the Granby Theater. That's our guy Mr. B. We'll miss him when we wanna go dancing. He was the best DJ they had. I know he's having a blast in Cali.

Oh man, that was a long day/night, but it was a really good time. The keg was floated, all the food was gone and no one passed out in the garage. I call that a success. I have no idea how Hubby and I had the energy to go bike riding in Williamsburg the next day. 

It is definitely time to invest in a bike rack with Hubby back in the states. It was like handlebar-peddle Tetris trying to fit the bikes in the back. Maybe next weekend we can take this act further down the road to Busch Gardens. I am craving a roller coaster ride. 

Until next time :) 


Monday, July 22, 2013

It's a Boy!

His Royal Highness the Prince of Cambridge!
8 pounds 6 ounces
4:24 pm London Time

Congratulations to mummy and daddy on your healthy baby boy

Royal Baby Watch

I am so excited. A new generation of English royalty is entering the world sometime today. So what I am not British, I don't care. I am a proud American that loves a good baby story! Who doesn't love a baby? Not to mention I have been semi-obsessed with the English monarchy since I did my first report on King Henry VIII in grade school. So, the big question now is...what do you think it is? A sweet, gentle little girl or a bouncing baby boy?

We will just have to wait and see! But in the mean time, I have composed a list of some of the most interesting fun facts I have found surrounding the royal birth:

  1. The baby will only be the second future monarch to be born in a hospital. Prince William, the bundle's daddy, was the first future King to be born in a hospital and it is the same one that his child will be delivered in, St. Mary's Hospital.
  2. The royal baby is estimated to bring in $380 million dollars into the British economy with the sale of memorabilia and food and drink to celebrate. He/she is already taking after its mother! 
  3. The baby is not required to have a surname. But if mommy and daddy decide they want Junior to have a last name, they can chose from a selection including Mountbatten-Windsor, Wales, or Cambridge.  
  4. Landmarks around the world will be lit in pink or blue light at the announcement of his/her arrival. Niagara Falls, Toronto's CN Tower and the fountains in London'd Trafalgar Square will be blue or pink soon. 
  5. Traditionally, the birth announcement is placed on an easel in front of Buckingham Palace and from there the world would learn how much the baby weighed, sex and length. But this will be the first birth to also be announced using the newest of information technologies: Twitter! Yep, I predict that will be one tweet to re-tweeted by millions and millions. 
  6. That baby already has its own Wiki page! I kid you not: Child of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. 
  7. Bookies have 4-1 odds that the baby will have red hair. A little gingy just like his/her Uncle Harry. 
  8. It has been 120 years since a still-serving monarch has been alive for the birth of a great-grandchild. 
  9. The Welsh composer Paul Mealor who wrote a piece for the wedding of William and Kate in 2011, recently composed a lullaby for their baby called "Sleep On".
  10. Prince William will be in the delivery room for his child's arrival and take two weeks paternity leave from his duties with the Royal Air Force. Now that is one lucky military daddy.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Lazy Days


The weather has been terrible and all I want to do is sleep all day long because of the rain and thunder. Don't get me wrong, I love thunderstorms as much as the next person, but all day rain and grey skies make me want to curl up in bed and nest. That means there is only one option to pull me out of the funk:

Craft projects galore. Hmmm, what should I work on first? The necklace organizer or the ottoman cube redo? I wish I could finish the bench I've been working on for a while now, but rain=paint drying badly. Perhaps I will bust out the old sewing machine and pump out a baby dress for that fever I have again. :)

Oh and if you like the boots above, you can buy those beauties here. Enjoy!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Mini Vaycay

Does anyone else think of Legally Blonde when they say words like vaycay? lol. Gotta love a good chick flick that takes you back. Sorry, I'm reminiscing over here, anywho...
We are going to have a great week. Hubby took some leave :) So I have him all day for the next five days! Who knows what we might do? Maybe we'll take our first summer trip to Busch Gardens or venture up to DC? But first thing is first and we are going to log some serious couch time. Netflix is up and Hulu is streaming in this house all day long. Today hubby busted out the grill and made some beer can chicken for dinner. That man definitely knows his way around a grill! After dinner we turned into two bumps on a log and haven't left the beloved sofa yet. Is there anything better then couch snuggle time? My poor hubby has been working so much these last few weeks. 14 hour days and weekends at the squadron are no fun for anyone. We will take major advantage of the rest of this week. Keep an eye out for pictures and tales of what we do these next few days. Leave from work is going to be few and far between from now on, so I will cherish it!

Until tomorrow

Monday, July 1, 2013

Sorry I've been gone so long

Pardon my absence these past few weeks. To paraphrase Juno: I have been out dealing with things way beyond my maturity level. lol. Gotta add a little humor to situations like these!

The current situation is medically related of course. Forget the job hunt, this has taken up all my research time. I recently had a procedure done at the "lady doctor", so you know right off the bat it was not pleasant or looked forward to. I had to high tail myself to Portsmouth Naval Hospital and have a lovely procedure called a colposcopy. If you google it, do not image search it! Trust me. I did before the procedure and it scared me half to death. Luckily my doctor was amazing and the nurse who assisted was hilarious. They really helped to take my nerves away and distract me during the whole thing. I was very appreciative! So now I am in limbo waiting for my results. I hate this part the most. I haven't let my phone out of my sight or let the battery die since last week. To say I am nervous is an understatement. I am not even saying the big "C" word, just to make sure I don't put it out there. Nothing but good thoughts and white light are coming from me. I am a firm believer in whatever you put out comes back to you and that happy thoughts breed happy results. So send me some good vibes people!

Until tomorrow