Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, The Best Day


The weekend is here. It is time to clean house and make some room for possible house guests. When we have BBQs, someone always ends up staying the night. I blame my bar tending skills of yesteryear for that one! But before I start shopping for food and drinks, I thought I would share my five favorite shopping scores of the week. Grab your coffee and dive on in ladies!

   My sticky notes came in this week. I have been on the hunt for some adorable sticky notes and all I had been able to find are neon colors that do not do well with my eyes. When in doubt, go on Amazon. These are a fantastic shade of light blue with darling gold foil pops. I love them so much, I kinda don't want to use them and run out.

   I scored the perfect quilt for the guest room at TJMaxx yesterday. I have had my eye on it for a bit and it just went on sale. I can never resist a sale, especially at places like TJs or Marshalls. Nothing haunts you more then a purchase you didn't make!

   I finished the glider corner of the nursery with the shelf. It was another TJ find that was a hideous brown/purple color and was missing a hook. One can of spray paint and a new hook later it now holds all of our Christening gowns. The one on the left is Lizzie's, then mine, then my husband's! They probably won't stay up long because I don't want them to discolor, but I had to hang them for at least a little bit.


   And speaking of baby Lizzie, mommy made a very big baby-oriented purchase yesterday: Size 2 diapers! She's getting bigger everyday. I found a premie diaper in her room the other day and it blew my mind that those were once too big for her; now she's outgrown another size. Oh time, please slow down!
   Mommy purchase: Gevalia. I love this coffee. I just hope this box of cups work with my Keurig this time. If not, I found a {trick} online to make it work!

If you would like to join in on the fun with the ladies behind 5 on Friday and Oh Hey Friday, click on the buttons at the top and link up. Have a fantastic weekend everyone. Stay warm!


  1. Baby Lizzie will be 1 before you know it!! I feel like I blinked and my little bear is turning 1 on Sunday!! I'm sure I don't have to tell you to enjoy each second!!

    1. I try to absorb every minute she's awake..and asleep. I got the pictures to prove it : )

  2. We loved Pampers Swaddlers! They were the only diapers we used. Great comforter purchase!

    1. Swaddlers are the best! So far they are the only diapers that she hasn't had a blow out in.
