Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Prep Begins

My inspiration
Tonight begins the Thanksgiving Prep Test Kitchen Madness! Yes, it has an official title. And the first victim shall be the piece de resistance, The Turkey. I found this gorgeous turkey and recipe in Southern Living magazine over the long weekend. If you are still looking for thanksgiving dinner recipes, go pick up a copy or head to the website today! They have amazing recipes for everything from turkeys to chutney and tarts. Yumm.     

I started the prep last night by brining the turkey overnight. I have never made a turkey before but I do make a killer roasted chicken and I always brine that little baby too. All you have to do is make a salty water solution based on how much your turkey weighs. I like a more "traditional" brine without all the crazy add-ons since my turkey will be a salt and pepper turkey. This was my go to brine for this turkey. 

Just look at that baby go!
You only have to brine meat that hasn't already been injected or pre-brined by the packager. Fresh birds are almost always injection free, so they need to be brined. While frozen ones are mostly pre-treated. But it can be a toss up either way, so read the packaging carefully as to not get a super salty turkey on the table. I bought an organic, non injected bird so that baby was begging to be soaked in salt water.

I'm starting the cooking late today since Hubby isn't getting home till after 9 and I want an out of the oven opinion from him. A full review will be up tomorrow on the end product. Wish me luck that it comes out delicious and even bigger luck that I can do it again on the day.  :) 

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